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10 things I use as a costume maker everyday.

I get a lot of questions on my instagram about the equipment I use, there are so many amazing tools out there which I hope to discover and explore in future blogs but for now I have rounded up a few of my favourites. These are all items I use every single day. Some of these links are affiliate links, which means if you were to purchase anything using them I may make a small comission.

1. Scissors - I am a Fiskars girl, always have been, always will be.

2. Magnetic pin tray - I have only recently started using one of these, a friend told me about them when I embarrasingly dropped my pins on a freelance job....... TWICE!

3. Needles - What needles you use depends on what you are sewing. Make sure you research the materials and machinery you are working with to make sure you select the correct ones.

4. Tape measure

5. Tracing wheel - I personally prefer a metal toothed tracing wheel.

6. Snips - Again, these have to be Fiskars for me and I tend to use mine instead of an unpicker.

7. Chalk pen - I have been using a chalk pen over tailors chalk for the last year, I like the range of colours you get and the crisp, thin lines.

8. Erasable fabric pen - All I can say is I wish I started using these a LONG TIME AGO.

9. Set square

10. Glasshead pins- Glasshead pins are my preferance but depending on the fabric I may use dressmaker pins.

What is your favourite piece of equipment? Comment below.

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